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Manage employee’s additional leave and loss of pay using school management software

Maintaining a whole payroll structure is in itself is a labour-some task for the HR professionals and when it comes to keeping a track on employee’s additional leaves, which is subjected to LOP (loss of pay) category, it becomes troublesome task for the HR Department. In such scenarios, the possibility of an error arises while maintaining the payroll structure.

To make the whole process error-free institution needs automated & reliable school management software which will not only automate the loss of pay calculate but also keep a real-time track on individual leaves.

That’s why we have come across a lot of the additional leave settings that was requested by various institutions worldwide. ERP allows institution to manage the additional leave that has been taken by an employee monthly. To set up this, here are the following steps

  • The total working days for the month in HR > HR Settings > Working Day Settings.

  • Adding the leave types and setting up the leave count under HR > HR Settings > Leave Types.

  • Creating leave group and adding the leave types according to the departments under HR > HR Settings > Leave Groups.

  • Resetting the leave for the employee to reflect the leave type associations for the employees by going to HR > Employee Leave Management > Leave Reset

  • Creating the payroll categories using the option HR > Payroll and Payslip Management > Payroll Categories.

  • Associating the payroll categories to a payroll group and then entering LOP settings for the payroll group. This can be done under HR > Payroll and Payslip Management > Payroll Groups and HR > Payroll and Payslip Management > Payroll Groups > LOP settings.

Once all above settings are done, then it is all good to go.

Consider an example where an employee is allotted have 10 casual leaves for a quarter. Now, the employee has applied for an additional leave and when the admin is marking the leave in the employee register, a pop-up will be shown indicating that its an additional leave for employee and also provide the admin to mark it as LOP as below image represents.

In other cases, when an employee applies for 5 consecutive leaves in which two are for a medical reason, his/her manager gets an option to select the days for which the LOP can be marked as mentioned in the below image.

The introduction of marking additional leaves and direct deduction of amount from the payslip automatically has helped the school finance team to avoid manual calculation. The payslip will be automatically generated based on the leaves the employee has taken like below.

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